What Causes Blown Plaster
Blown plaster can be unsightly, annoying, a health hazard, and a serious overall risk to your property or building. There are a number of things that can lead to blown plaster and repair can often be costly and time-consuming. Understanding the most typical causes of blown plaster and other wall damage, as well as how to prevent and properly repair them can help keep your walls and buildings strong for years to come.

What Causes Blown Plaster?
Plaster is commonly used in construction, but it can sometimes be prone to blowing. The most common causes of this are due to not having enough backing, such as when plaster is applied to an uneven surface, or the incorrect use of materials such as the wrong type of adhesive being used.
Poor preparation can also be a factor, such as not adequately priming the surface before application and inadequate drying time. Incorrect application can also play a role, such as not using the right thickness of plaster or not using a smooth, even stroke during application. Damp is also a common cause of plaster blowing, as moist walls can cause plaster to expand, resulting in cracks. Extreme temperatures can cause plaster to expand and contract, resulting in cracks and breaking.
Risks of Blown Plaster
The most common risks associated with blown wall plaster include further damage to the property, such as cracks developing in walls due to weakened supports and unstable structure. Blown plaster can also cause health risks due to potential mould growth which could result from retained water within the walls. There may also be harmful chemicals present within old plasters which could be released into the air if disturbed, potentially leading to health problems for occupants of the building.
What Can I Do About Blown Plaster?
When it comes to dealing with blown plaster, there are generally a few different options. The first is to hire a professional plasterer to assess the problem and make repairs. Depending on the extent of the damage, they may be able to simply patch up the affected area or they may need to replace entire sections of plaster.
DIY may also be an option but this should be done with caution and only if you are confident in your skills. Be certain that you understand and have fully located all potential causes of mould, damp, and blown plaster before proceeding with any repairs or redecorating. It is also vital to ensure that everything is fully dried out and all damaged plaster is removed before conducting any repairs or installing new plaster.
When addressing plaster issues, it is critical to understand why blown plaster has occurred in the first place, as this will help prevent further issues from occurring. Common causes include dampness penetrating through walls due to poor insulation, plumbing issues that have gone undetected, and plaster that wasn’t properly adhered to the wall when installed. These problems should always be dealt with first, you could find yourself facing the same issue over and over. A thorough and carefully managed repair job is the best way of fixing blown plaster.