How to Lower your January Energy Bills
After a festive season of frivolous spending, it is no wonder that we all dread those January energy bills! If you think you may have over-indulged in the spending stakes this Christmas season, you will probably want to cut your bills as much as possible.
While it is likely that you will have to accept the cost of those Christmas spending credit card bills, there are things that you can do to lower your energy bills for when January rolls around.
To add insult to injury, four of the ‘Big Six’ energy suppliers recently announced that prices would rise this winter. Help keep your bills as low as possible by following these energy saving tips.

Insulate the Loft
Heat can escape through the roof of our homes, and loft insulation provides a long term solution for this. Insulation is fitted around the loft area to not only prevent hot air from escaping the home but to also stop cold air from entering the home – so you don’t end up paying for any loss of heating. Wall insulation and boiler insulation are also advised by energy saving experts to ensure enhanced energy efficiency in the home.
We’re all guilty of this during the winter, leaving our heating on all day seems to be the only way of keeping the home warm, however the Energy Saving Trust actually advise only turning on your central heating when you need it.
This is a far more effective and economical way of heating your home. Many homes have a central heating pump to warm their home. A regular heating pattern can be maintained through choosing circulator pumps that have an on-demand heating setting. AUTOADAPT is an on-demand setting found in Grundfos pumps – this means that your pump adapts to your energy consumption, so you only pay for the heating that you use, and can be found in new heating circulator pumps.
Save Water
It isn’t just heating bills that run up over the winter period, our water bills can increase too. The cold weather may make us want to take a warm bath rather than a shower, but taking shorter showers will see you benefit with greater energy savings. The odd bath now and again is ok as a treat, but try not to make a habit of it!
As four of the ‘Big Six’ energy providers are going to hike their prices by around 9% this winter, it may be the right time to start looking around for cheaper deals. Smaller energy providers may have lower rates, some providers even have introductory offers to help you save more.