Small is Beautiful: How to Make the Most of a Small Garden
Everyone needs a place to escape. For some people, this is their garden. But if your outdoor space is small and confined, it may feel unappealing.
The good news is, you don’t need acres to have a stunning garden. Beautiful and tranquil escapes can be created in the smallest of spaces, whether you have a balcony, courtyard, or little garden – it just takes a little imagination.

Choose Small Furniture
In a small garden, it’s important not to swamp or overwhelm the available space. So, when selecting furniture, choose something that’s functional, practical and size appropriate. A small bistro set would be perfect, or build your own DIY seating area to fit the space. Alternatively, choose fold-up furniture such as deck chairs and tables that can be easily collapsed and stored in the shed or garage, creating more space when necessary.
Create an Illusion
You may use mirrors indoors to make interiors feel brighter and bigger, but have you thought about using them outside? They can create the same illusion, making them ideal for small gardens. Use in a narrow garden to make it feel larger, or behind seating to double the area.
Just be aware that when it’s really sunny any light bouncing off these could cause potential fires, so it’s best to make sure that you can easily cover up or take these down to avoid this happening at the height of summer.
Think About Scent
To make your garden a relaxing place, you need to invoke an additional sense: smell. To do this, choose heavenly scented flowers, such as lavender, sweet pea, honeysuckle, jasmine and mint, to promote relaxation and make your garden smell as good as it looks.
When you’ve only got a small garden, space for planting and growing such flowers will be limited. Prioritise some of the smelliest flowers first to create a nice aroma, adding other plants if there’s still room.
Work Vertically
You want your garden to feel beautiful but covering the area with plant pots will make it feel cramped. Instead, make use of the vertical space. Use trellis and climber plants, put up handing baskets, create a wall garden, and hang decorations, such as bunting and fairy lights, to add style.
This can also minimise plants being affected by pests and disease, unlike those on the ground. You could also draw wildlife to your small garden by hanging up bird feeders or bird boxes on the wall or fence.
Go Stripy
This is another illusion trick that can make a small garden feel bigger. Using stripes can help to draw the eye, so paint in stripes on the fence, wall, or floor, to boost space. Make sure to choose similar colours that will contrast without being too bold, such as cream and beige, or silver and grey. If you’ve got children then they’ll love to get involved with this and, with a little direction and supervision, it can be great fun.
Section the Space
You may be tempted to design your garden as one area, but sectioning can actually provide more depth. Give your garden purpose by using raised plant beds, having a mini herb garden, styling a seating area, or having a small grassed section.
It’s often best to draw up a sectioned plan first, so you can efficiently work out what will go in each space and that there’s enough room for everything. Remember to include any vertical space in this plan too.
Designing a small garden is easier than you think, it just requires a little more planning and creativity. Hopefully these tips have inspired you to beautify your small garden, so you can create a space that is relaxing and practical.