
Ageing in place: safety tips for growing older at home

UK Home Improvement

Ageing in Place: Safety Tips for Growing Older At Home

Isn’t it interesting that as we age, we almost revert back to babyhood? Remember how you had to babyproof your home—covering outlets, cushioning sharp corners, and setting up gates as barricades? And now, you’ve reached an age where you have to do the same thing again. Except it’s because you’re getting older. 

Don’t let this frustrate you. Your home should always feel like a sanctuary. Somewhere safe. And creating this haven is essential. Think of it as eliminating hazards and reshaping your living space to be your ally, not your adversary.

Turning Your House into a Haven of Safety

Let’s look at some ways you can help create a home where you feel safe.

Stepping Lightly: The Art of Fall Prevention

Now, this might seem silly, but imagine your home as a ballroom.

A ballroom? Why? 

Well, if you had to waltz through your home, would you be able to do so easily? Or would you be tripping on things left and right? You want to create a home where every step can be graceful and unobstructed.

If you want to prevent an unwelcome tango with the floor, think of clear pathways. Get rid of all that excess clutter, any wayward wires, and tricky furniture that just want to trip you up. All of that stuff isn’t just messy—it’s a ticket to Tumble Town (and we do not want that).

Illumination is your friend here, too. If you can’t see it, how do you know something isn’t there to get in your way? Light it up!

Hazard Hunt: Making Your Home a No-Trip Zone

We need to get into some serious hazard-proofing. I’m sure you know that clutter and furniture aren’t the only things that can cause you to trip. Loose carpets and pesky thresholds are the usual suspects in the lineup of domestic dangers. Don’t let them loiter. Repair or banish them at the first sign of rebellion.

And don’t get us started on slips. Oh slips! Those silent schemers of the home accident world. Fortunately,  a nifty non-slip mat is your knight in rubber armour, standing guard to protect you in slipper spots like the kitchen or bathroom.

Bathroom Bliss: Creating a Safe Splash Zone

Speaking of bathrooms, they’re next on our list.

Ah, the bathroom, a place of relaxation—or at least it should be. What it shouldn’t be is an obstacle course. How can you stop that from happening? By equipping your aquatic arena with some of those sturdy grab bars. Put them in the shower and by the toilet. 

Have you considered upgrading your porcelain throne? Now is the time! A raised toilet seat with handles is no longer a fancy luxury. It is a game-changer in growing older! No one wants to suffer through the daily sit-and-stand routine.

Living Large: Secure Your Space

Now, the young folk may look at furniture arrangement simply as something to make their home look good. We’re of a different mind. Our furniture arranging is all about strategy. You need to space out your furniture to create open areas that are easy to navigate through. Believe us, you’ve earned the right to not have to bump into things just to get around.

Bonus: Make sure the pieces of furniture you have are stable enough to support you in a pinch! Remember, ally not adversary.

And let’s not forget about being prepared for the unexpected. Emergency supplies like flashlights, a well-curated list of contacts, and a first aid kit should be within easy reach, not hidden in the depths of a cluttered drawer.

Home Sweet Home: Ensuring Safety Through Inspection and Repair

Last, but certainly not least, is giving your home a good thorough inspection. We don’t want anything unexpected to happen at the worst possible moment, so let’s get those things taken care of right away.

Timely repairs are the bricks and mortar of your domestic haven. That means they’re important. And by addressing these issues, you’re not only strengthening your residence, you’re also preserving your autonomy. And we know how important that is.

So, what kind of things are we looking for? They can be anything as big as structural wear to creaky floorboards. Something you may not be thinking about is your home’s insulation. Perhaps it needs upgrading, and fortunately there are grants available for pensioners, making it an affordable and easy repair. 


We understand how frustrating ageing can be. We also understand the importance of maintaining autonomy and wanting to remain in the comfort of your own home. Hopefully these safety tips will help you achieve just that!


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