Getting Creative With Fancy Dress Costumes
Getting creative with your approach to fancy dress can be heaps of fun. You get to imagine yourself as literally anything you like – a tree, a princess, a book, and then go about finding the best way to create that aesthetic. It can sometimes be difficult to find inspiration, so to help you out a little, here are some of our top tips on how to get creative with your fancy dress costumes.

Think Of Objects, Not Just People
While lots of fancy dressers choose to dress up as a person, this is by no means the only approach you can take. If your friend is a chainsaw-wielding villain, why not be the chainsaw? If your son wants to be a prince, then why not dress up as a castle?
You can be anything you want, from an apple to a cat. Take that literally, and you’re sure to end up with an incredibly creative solution, brought to life by a store like Fun Place.
Make A Costume Yourself
If you want to come up with something that’s one-of-a-kind and you’re in the creative mood, then why not try to make a costume yourself? Have a think of what you’ve got lying around in the house, maybe some old colourful bed sheets or a weird jacket that’s got stains on it. Bring everything into your bedroom or living room, lay it out, and see what comes to mind. Making your own costume won’t always result in magic, but when it does, it’s very satisfying!
Pick A Theme With Your Friends
While it’s obviously sometimes the case that we dress up alone, we often dress up with our friends.
If you are going out as a group, to trick or treat or to a party, then it can be nice to decide on a theme beforehand and create your costume based on that theme. You can get as creative as you like – one way to keep things open is to pick a letter (‘C’ for example) and then to go as something that begins with that letter (cake, crustacean, Celine Dion, take your pick).
Be Colourful
You don’t even have to go as a person or a thing – you could choose to just get really bright and colourful! Look for any colourful blankets you have (depending on the time of year) and any bright pieces of fabric.
Start playing with combinations, and if you can find a bright hat that ties it all together, then even better. Unless there’s a theme at a party you’re going to, if you’re just dressing up for the sheer joy of it, you can be literally whatever you like.
How you choose to get creative with your approach to fancy dress is entirely up to you. As we’ve seen, there isn’t a right or wrong option, as long as you enjoy it. If you want to make something, go for it, but if you’d rather pop to a costume shop, then that’s a perfectly suitable solution as well.