Create The Perfect Balanced Home
They say that two of the most stressful things in life are moving home and getting married, and many newlyweds find themselves doing both of these things at the same time. There are a number of ways to create an ideal home that will suit the tastes of both members of a couple, and which will also create a warm and welcoming environment for visiting family and friends.

Different Tastes
Newlyweds might well have different tastes and opinions on how their home should be decorated and will probably run into problems when trying to design their perfect home.
Which colours to include or steer clear of, and what sort of furniture they need may cause some disagreements. The simplest solution is for each person to have his or her own areas to organise. For example, if the husband will be doing most of the cooking, then he should decide how to decorate and furnish the kitchen.
After all it will be his domain. If the wife is the gardener in the family, she can take control of the outside spaces and the conservatory. Communal areas will not be quite as easy to divide up, but if one has strong opinions on what the living room should be like and the other would prefer the bedroom their way, then it is simply a matter of compromise.
Stick To The Budget
One of the most common things a newlywed (and virtually every other) couple will occasionally fall out over is money. In many cases one will have a tendency to spend their money as soon as they get it, while the other may be more financially conservative and prefer to save for a rainy day.
Overspending on non-necessities for the home can cause a great deal of friction between newlyweds, so setting a budget and sticking to it is a good way to avoid future arguments. Again, compromising on certain items will be key to ensuring that both individuals get the things they want without running the risk of breaking the bank.
Entertaining Guests
Newlyweds in their first home often do a lot of entertaining. Friends and family will probably be visiting on a fairly regular basis, so having a guest bedroom if at all possible can come in very handy. Placing fresh flowers in a decorative vase in the guest room just prior to their arrival will help make visitors feel very welcome.
It is important to make certain that there is enough seating in the living room, as well as around the dining table. Extending dining tables are an excellent option as they will accommodate a number of visitors easily and can then be closed up once the guests have gone, to free up more space in the room.
Stress Free Area
One increasingly popular option for newlyweds is to create a stress-free area where they can relax after a long day at work. A room decorated in neutral tones containing some nice comfy furniture and no television or computer can be a good place to get away from it all, even if it is just for 30 minutes each day to allow the mind to unwind and the body to rejuvenate. This can also be a great place to have some ’me time’ and relax with some music and a good book.