
How to lay a vinyl floor

UK Home Improvement

How To Lay A Vinyl Floor

Laying a vinyl floor is a job of 2 halves but one that benefits from being done properly. Otherwise, you’ll have an uneven floor that could quickly falter. Ensuring you follow the advice in this article you’ll be sure to have a new and perfect Vinyl Floor.


The Existing Floor

Check the surface onto which you are going to be laying your vinyl flooring. Failure to do so could mean that your new floor develops holes, or uneven hollows that make the floor a little unsafe to walk on.

It needs to be clear of dirt as well as random lumps and bumps. This means hoovering away dust and checking (perhaps with a spirit level) that you have a flat, even surface.

If it’s a concrete base, you can use a smoothing paste to even out any holes. Filling compounds are relatively inexpensive and worthwhile.

You may have a wooden floor with inconsistent joins etc. In this case, trying sanding away with sandpaper if it’s a relatively small area. Alternatively, use a sanding machine for uneven sections that are a little larger. Make sure to follow the instructions when using machinery – you could harm yourself if used incorrectly.

Whilst you’re prepping the surface, check for damp too. You can sometimes even tell by the touch. If you find that the existing base is damp, add some damp proof lining. It’s a large plastic sheet that stops moisture coming through and affecting the new vinyl flooring.

The New Floor

Vinyl is easier to handle when it is warmer. Rather than leaving it in a cold garage bring in inside somewhere near a radiator but not directly on top.

There are different types of vinyl. Ones that require glue, ones that are already glued on the underside and ones that don’t need glue.

Start with the roll of vinyl at the longest wall. Begin to roll inwards, i.e. towards the middle of the room. For rectangle / square rooms this should be an easy process – simply rolling the vinyl across the entire floor.

For irregular shaped rooms with alcoves and corners, take out a non permanent felt tip pen or pencil and mark when you meet the first obstructing wall or fixture. This will be where you need to mark.

On identifying the first obstruction, mark it with your pencil and then move the entire roll of flooring away to an area it can be unrolled more. It’s always easier for non-professionals to cut away, in a larger clear space with the flooring rolled out, rather than cut into the vinyl when you are stuck in a tight corner trying to fit the vinyl.

Advice: leave yourself a 5cm extra border of hang over when cutting. This is in case your measurements and markings don’t match up! You can always trim excess away. You can’t reattach it once it’s cut off!

Repeat the process until you have made it across the room with the flooring.

After everything is down and the floor layered, a few bubbles may appear. This is normal. Combat these by using a soft brush and sweep from the middle of the room, to the walls. Little, regular sweeps of the brush should push the bubbles out.

Fitting a vinyl floor is quite a demanding job. It could take a weekend to get everything bought, prepared and laid. Although doing it yourself is often cheaper, you will have to take more care to avoid inaccuracies. Employing the services of professional floor fitters will be quicker and also the stress of the job is on them. Plus, they’ll have all the necessary tools and experience to deal with all situations.


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