How to Improve Your New Garden
Sometimes it can take a while to settle in and adjust to your new home. One way to really put your own stamp on things is to spend some time fixing up the garden. Your garden offers great opportunity to make a statement and we’ve put together these tips for how to tackle your new outdoor space.
Don’t over-do yourself
It’s important to pace yourself as you try to adjust to life in your new home. This is especially important when tackling a new garden. You might have plenty of ideas about how to up-root and redo the entire garden, but taking on too much at one time will be nothing but a burden. A cursory, general clean up is the best place to start and will help you become familiar with what is currently growing in the garden – and what you might want to do with certain areas in the future. Clean up the beds, prune some bushes, cut the grass, clear up debris and clean up any decking or fencing that might be the worse for wear. Create a good standard from which you can work with later. Exploring your garden is the best way to become familiar with it, and getting rid of the overgrowth will leave you with a solid foundation that you can either add to, revamp or enhance.
A great way to make your garden feel immediately cleaner and neater is to put border edging around your lawn. This will help keep those invasive plants separate and create clear boundaries between your grass and all the different beds. You can use this to plan ahead when deciding what you might want to plant, and will certainly create a tidy and ordered look to your garden. Border edging comes in many varieties and styles, so there are plenty of options if you want to mix and match those unique looks, or want to uphold standards throughout your garden.
Decide what stays and what goes
So much of improving your garden is making decisions. On those initial adventures around your new garden, have a think about what you would be happy to keep and what you might be better off losing. It might be easier to prune a few bushes and keep them where they are, but this is your chance to really make the space your own. Maybe you could use the space taken up by a large lavender bush in a creative, interesting way. You don’t have to commit right away and carry out all the work in one go – building to a gradual overhaul can be immensely satisfying, so always keep in mind what you want from your garden, and ask yourself if what’s there already will help you achieve that.
Utilise space
Your garden is one of the most diverse spaces around your home, and the way you decorate and manage it can reflect that if you wish. If you have the space, it is well worth thinking about adding a seating area or a secluded, shaded spot you can lose yourself in. This is better thought about once you’re somewhat established in your new home life, but if the space is already there – perhaps the previous owners already had decking installed – then there’s no harm in planning what to do in the future. Taking advantage of what’s there by testing things out temporarily will help you figure out if it fits with what you want, or if you’d like to try something else.
Get help with bigger projects
Once you’ve established your garden and are happy with its new look, you might be ready to try something a bit bigger. Maybe you’d like to replace the run down shed at the back of the garden, or perhaps you need a hutch or shelter for a pet. The addition of a garden building can help improve the look of any garden, and it might be just the thing you’re missing. If you do plan to add something like this, then don’t be afraid to enlist help. Doing things your own way is important, but finding professionals to give you a hand could really help enhance any plans for your garden. If you’re tackling structural work like fencing, decking, sheds or outdoor pet and animal homes, then a professional, experienced team are the perfect choice to help you complete all the hard work you’ve put in on your new garden.