
Effects of pigeons on your solar panels

UK Home Improvement

Effects of Pigeons On Your Solar Panels

There has been an increase in pigeon nesting between solar panels on roofs over the years. Even though pigeons may not directly affect the operation of your solar panels, they are known for spreading diseases, defecating anywhere they roost and releasing nasty smells into the atmosphere.

Pigeons need a cover when nesting compared to other birds. In places like the UK, pigeons nest all year round. The distance or gap between your roof and solar panel forms a perfect nesting ground for pigeons. Other than potentially spreading diseases, pigeons may affect your solar panel in several other ways that will force you to go for pigeon proofing solar panels

Damage of Electrical Components

Pigeons’ movement under and over your solar panels may cause wiring connection damage. This may result in electric failure or the least, short-circuiting. If this continues, your home may suffer from decreased power output and in some cases failure of the panels. 

Corrosion of Panels

Pigeons defecate anywhere they want and this can be harmful to your panel surface. The solar panels’ protective coating may corrode if they are continuously exposed to pigeon droppings. This will in return affect the way your solar panel absorb sunlight. Also, their claws can cause decreased panel effectiveness due to scratching as they move from place to place.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Solar panels are one of the low-maintenance renewable sources of energy. However, with pigeons, you are likely to clean and offer maintenance services more often. Pigeon droppings will obstruct sunlight absorption on top of being a potential health hazard. Therefore, regular cleaning and maintenance is necessary to maintain optimal solar panel performance and prevent any spread of diseases. This is time-consuming and will cost you more than it is supposed to when maintaining your solar panel system.

What Does it Take to Pigeon-Proof Your Solar Panels?

Proofing your solar panels against pigeons means building a barrier between your roof and solar panels. Preventing pigeons from gaining access can be done by installing a simple barrier around the solar panels. However, pigeons nesting under your panels can be hard to control after they have made a home out of your roof.

It is always recommended to talk to an expert if you find pigeons nesting under solar panels to get the best help you can get. However, there are several steps you could take to deal with pigeons on your roof. 

Installing Anti-roosting Spikes

Anti-roosting spikes are the best option for people who don’t want much work but want to deter pigeons. However, some bird species have found a way to evade these spikes and build their nest anyway. It is a short-term solution for pigeon-proofing solar panels UK. 

Bird Mesh to Prevent Infestation

Chicken wire mesh can work well to prevent pigeons from nesting under your solar panels. All you have to do is put the bird mesh around the edges of the solar panels. The only challenge is the installation process. Therefore, bird mesh installation should be done by a professional or someone with previous bird eradication knowledge.

Keeping Your Compound and Garden Clean

This might look like a simple solution but it is an ideal way to keep pigeons away from your panels. A clean farm or compound ensures no unwanted pests for pigeons to feed on. Therefore, mitigating the opportunity of finding food in your garden may prevent pigeons from trying to build a nest underneath your solar panels. This can be achieved by tightly sealing waste bins and clearing any rubbish that may attract insects and pests.

The Cost of Pigeon Proofing

The cost of pigeon-proofing varies depending on the type of solar panels and the size. The larger the solar panel the more expensive the proofing process. However, it is always important to talk to a professional before deciding to contact pigeon-proofing providers.

In a Nutshell

Whether or not you need to pigeon-proof your solar panels depends on your desire to optimize their performance. You can choose to pigeon-proof your solar panels during the installation process or wait until the problem arises. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.


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